Monday 25 March 2013

Of Reviews

Me - I don't like to do reviews. Book reviews, movie reviews, games, restaurants - I don't like writing one. But I do find some things or experienced some moments that make me want to write reviews.
I've written some restaurant review; not because I was a friend of the owner (God bless me if I am); but simply because I had great moments there with the service, foods and all.

No, I don't really go everywhere to find good foods, but when I do, I usually sticks to them.

And one thing about reviews - it can be positive and negative.

This is one thing about reviews that I don't like. Words affects; no matter how small the effects are.
I don't like negative reviews. (That's why I don't do them).

People are doing business. Let say - restaurant. People are making money by it. By how many customers come and go. Imagine what can happen to their restaurant, their business if someone writes a bad review about it? 

I know that the point of writing a review is to assist people to choose the 'better' choice; but isn't it wrong if you 'force' people to close their business?

I do positive reviews. I suggest good places (in my opinion) to people (if there are any reading - which I doubt - hahaha) . It may help the owner, it may help the customers. But it will not affect the business in a bad way.

I prefer that kind of reviews (not to be vain). It is hard to start a business, harder to maintain them. And you never know what kind of effects your writing would do.

Some would say, "I am helping others. I don't want other to experience bad service"
Yes, that is a noble intention.
But you never know if the owner has terminated the rude staff, or they have done great deals to make things right after it went wrong with the review writer.

To me, if I stumble into a bad restaurant, forced to eat a very non-delicious food, faced a rude staff, I will just ban that restaurant (of course), never to come again, but never write a bad review about it. I can list a few of restaurants I feel unworthy of going, but, even though it may satisfy my anger (for a while); it does not feel right to me.
I don't know.

I just feel that people deserve second chances. If I am not going to give them second chances, I won't hold anyone else who wanted to do so.

This is what I see. From my point of view. 
We can agree to disagree.

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