Dapat idea menulis dari entri Belajar Bersabar.
Sabar itu sakit,
Tapi indah.
Pernah rasa simpan segala amarah kerana sayang?
Pernah rasa genggam tangan tahan tohmah?
Pernah rasa gigit bibir hadap segala fitnah?
Sabar itu sakit,
Tapi indah.
Manis kau rasa,
Bila kau sedar, kau tak musnahkan sebuah hubungan atas dasar marah.
Atas dasar kau tak mampu kawal kata-kata sendiri.
Manis kau rasa,
Bila kau sedar, mereka semua hanya boneka yang pandai berkata-kata.
Tapi kata-kata mereka tidak punya kesan pada hidup kau.
Manis kau rasa,
Bila kau sedar, akhirnya siapa teman kau yang sebenar.
Yang mencari kebenaran dari mulut kau sendiri dan bukan tutur bicara manusia yang hanya dengar-dengar.
Sabar itu sakit,
Tapi indah.
Dan dalam sabar,
Banyak peluang kau cipta esok yang lebih indah.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Cukup tidak suka kedai yang tidak pandai kemaskini menu.
Harga di menu RM 5.00, tapi bila ke kaunter pembayaran,
jumlah sudah naik ke RM 6.00.
Ya, betul.
Hanya beza seringgit dua.
Hanya beza lima puluh sen.
Apalah sangat.
Mungkin seseorang perlu ketuk kepala kau dan kata,
"Daun pokok-pokok diluar sana, letak bawah bantal sehari dua akan bertukar jadi duit,"
Nilai duit pada setiap orang tak sama walaupun not itu sama.
Itu kamu harus faham.
Beri wang satu ringgit pada seorang yang kaya-raya, mungkin dia hanya tutup mata - just keep it.
Tapi beri wang satu ringgit pada anak kecil yang kelaparan, apa tidak mungkin dia senyum lebar dan ucap terima kasih tanpa henti? Dan apa tidak mungkin, dia doakan kamu berkali-kali?
Cukup tidak suka ke kedai yang tidak pandai kemas kini menu.
Kamu tidak tahu,
Berapa banyak not yang ada dalam dompet pelanggan yang datang.
Maunya dia sudah kira jumlah yang mampu dia makan, contohnya,
Nasi + Lauk Ayam + Air = RM1.50 + RM 5.00 + RM1.50 = RM 8.00,
Dan duit yang dia ada hanya cukup-cukup sahaja,
Tetapi tiba di kaunter bayaran,
Nasi + Lauk Ayam + Air = RM1.50 + RM 6.50 + RM2.00 = RM 10.00.
Apabila ditanya, mudah jawabnya, "harga dah naik,"
Lalu apabila tak mampu bayar,
Apakah 'dia' harus mengemis?
Atau muntahkan kembali segala yang sudah di makan?
Kamu tak mampu bayar malu yang tertimpa atas dia.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Thoughtful Thursday 01
Thoughtful Thursday is a segment whereby I will upload
inspiring quotes or funny/sarcastic jokes
(read : anything that interests me) in form of pictures.
Since I can't post picture that has words in it for
Wordless Wednesday, so, here it goes - Thoughtful Thursday!
(or so-called Thoughtful)
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Terima Kasih, Ibu.
Semalam, sedang aku menyusun atur kertas-kertas dan buku-buku untuk disediakan untuk dikitar semula, aku terjumpa helaian-helaian kertas A4. Merah jambu warnanya. Tertarik aku untuk melihat isi kandungannya.
Payslip milik ibu.
Dari bulan Januari hingga Disember - tahun 2003.
Sembilan tahun lepas.
Basic Salary : RM600.
Fikiran aku menerawang jauh. Apakah yang aku buat ketika itu?
2003 - bermakna aku berumur 15 tahun ketika itu.
Masih terlalu mentah.
Dengan gaji dikit itu, ibu menyara kami tujuh beradik.
Tambung mana patut dengan gaji ayah yang juga tak seberapa.
Dengan gaji dikit itu, ibu cuba tunaikan apa yang mampu.
Sehabis daya.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
ibu perah keringat hingga titis akhir.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
ibu gagahkan anggota diri.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
Tebalkan muka saban hari.
Aku masih ingat pesan ibu,
"Belajar rajin-rajin. Ibu tak ada pelajaran, tak boleh kerja bagus-bagus. Jangan jadi macam ibu. Nenek, atok kamu dulu orang susah, tak mampu nak hantar ibu belajar tinggi-tinggi. Kamu jangan jadi macam ibu,"
Satu demi satu paparan dimainkan dalam kotak fikiran.
Emosi aku berjaya mainkan aku.
Terima kasih, Ibu.
Sehingga habis nafas aku pun, tak mungkin dapat aku balas jasa ibu.
Namun, aku bangga punya ibu setabah ibu.
Kental harung dunia.
Aku harap kedewasaan yang mula bertapak ini takkan mampu buat aku lupa jasa ibu.
Aku sayang amat pada kamu, ibu.
Payslip milik ibu.
Dari bulan Januari hingga Disember - tahun 2003.
Sembilan tahun lepas.
Basic Salary : RM600.
Fikiran aku menerawang jauh. Apakah yang aku buat ketika itu?
2003 - bermakna aku berumur 15 tahun ketika itu.
Masih terlalu mentah.
Dengan gaji dikit itu, ibu menyara kami tujuh beradik.
Tambung mana patut dengan gaji ayah yang juga tak seberapa.
Dengan gaji dikit itu, ibu cuba tunaikan apa yang mampu.
Sehabis daya.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
ibu perah keringat hingga titis akhir.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
ibu gagahkan anggota diri.
Untuk gaji dikit itu,
Tebalkan muka saban hari.
Aku masih ingat pesan ibu,
"Belajar rajin-rajin. Ibu tak ada pelajaran, tak boleh kerja bagus-bagus. Jangan jadi macam ibu. Nenek, atok kamu dulu orang susah, tak mampu nak hantar ibu belajar tinggi-tinggi. Kamu jangan jadi macam ibu,"
Satu demi satu paparan dimainkan dalam kotak fikiran.
Emosi aku berjaya mainkan aku.
Terima kasih, Ibu.
Sehingga habis nafas aku pun, tak mungkin dapat aku balas jasa ibu.
Namun, aku bangga punya ibu setabah ibu.
Kental harung dunia.
Aku harap kedewasaan yang mula bertapak ini takkan mampu buat aku lupa jasa ibu.
Aku sayang amat pada kamu, ibu.
Friday, 19 October 2012
9 Tips For Abductions
Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or love one's life.
Abductions may happen in daylight hours,
refresh yourself of these things to do
in an emergency situation...
This is for you, and for you to share with your wife,
your children, everyone you know.
1 . Tip from Tae Kwon Do :
The elbow is the strongest point on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
2. If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet and/or purse than you,
and he will go for the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy.
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars
after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit
(doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.)
The predator will be watching you, and this
is the perfect opportunity for him to get in
on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go.
If someone is in the car with a gun to your head
Instead start the engine
and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
(but remember to buckle the seat belt - air bags don't function with the seat belt unbuckled)
If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it.
As soon as the car crashes get out and run.
It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
5 . A few notes about getting
into your car in a parking lot,
or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
look around you, look into your car,
at the passenger side floor , and in the back seat
B.) If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door .
Some serial killers attack their victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women
are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
and get someone - guard/policeman to walk you back out.
(And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs.
(Stairwells are horrible places to be alone
and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times; And even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathy of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted
his next victim.
9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last,
and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT
open the door.'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax
women out of their homes thinking that someone
dropped off a baby He said they have not verified it,
but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors
when they're home alone at night.
Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door
for a crying baby ----
The Crying Baby Theory was mentioned when the authorities profiled the serial killer in Louisiana.
Notaantaraaksara: My brother forwarded this to me some time ago and since it is informative, I think it is better shared to the public. We never know if something bad is going to happen, right?
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Bicara bohong apa yang mahu disajikan
tarian jari-jemari di atas papan kekunci itu?
Laju sahaja menekan wajah senyum.
Padahal hati dalam galau,
kolam pecah air mata belum diseka.
Irama melankolia berdentum-dentam
diiringi derap rentak latar rintik hujan.
tarian jari-jemari di atas papan kekunci itu?
Laju sahaja menekan wajah senyum.
Padahal hati dalam galau,
kolam pecah air mata belum diseka.
Irama melankolia berdentum-dentam
diiringi derap rentak latar rintik hujan.
Sakit Tanpa Ubat
Sedang mengalami fasa sakit yang tidak ada penawarnya - penyakit MALAS.
Still need to polish my writing skills. Go away, blockage!
Still need to polish my writing skills. Go away, blockage!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Men And Women
Friday, 12 October 2012
RIP Amanda Todd
This girl - Amanda Todd committed suicide after years of being cyber bullied and alienated by people.
Such a tragic thing. This left me speechless. Read more here.
What happen to humanity?
Why Must We Believe?
What is belief?
According to Wikipedia, belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.
Have you ever wondered - why must we believe?
Research has it that we must believe in order to survive. Theist believe the existance of God, while atheist, even though they say God does not exist, they believe in there is no God, which means they believe in something.
What we believe in shapes us, it made our subconcious mind filters what may seem important to us - err, that's deep into psychology so I'm gonna skip that to avoid confusion.
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you think you have a high self-esteem or is it the other way around?
Overall self-esteem and self-worth are tied to two major threads
1 YOUR perceived status level.
2 YOUR perceived physical attractiveness.
In other words, your self-esteem depends on what you perceive of yourself - what you believe in yourself.
The higher your self-esteem is, the more likely you are going to succeed in various aspects of your life.
So, think again.
You would better not punish or torment yourself too hard.
You might end up deteriorating yourself unconciously.
According to Wikipedia, belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.
Have you ever wondered - why must we believe?
Research has it that we must believe in order to survive. Theist believe the existance of God, while atheist, even though they say God does not exist, they believe in there is no God, which means they believe in something.
What we believe in shapes us, it made our subconcious mind filters what may seem important to us - err, that's deep into psychology so I'm gonna skip that to avoid confusion.
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you think you have a high self-esteem or is it the other way around?
Overall self-esteem and self-worth are tied to two major threads
1 YOUR perceived status level.
2 YOUR perceived physical attractiveness.
In other words, your self-esteem depends on what you perceive of yourself - what you believe in yourself.
The higher your self-esteem is, the more likely you are going to succeed in various aspects of your life.
So, think again.
You would better not punish or torment yourself too hard.
You might end up deteriorating yourself unconciously.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Pandangan Mereka 01
Disebabakan kemalasan yang melampau, aku share link-link yang aku jumpa dalam proses stalking dan pencarian blog-blog aktif. Walaupun ada entri yang berkurun lamanya ditulis manusia-manusia ni, aku masih nak recycle. Sebab kita selalu lupa - atau kadang-kadang malas nak ingat.
1 - Ernest Eg - Kau Orang Apa? #mindset
2 - Intan - Cara-Cara Nak Kantoikan Suami/Isteri Orang #stalkingtips
3 - Luf-Kin - Russian Sleep Experiment #mindblowing
4 - Luf-Kin - Education Loan #truth
Happy reading!
1 - Ernest Eg - Kau Orang Apa? #mindset
2 - Intan - Cara-Cara Nak Kantoikan Suami/Isteri Orang #stalkingtips
3 - Luf-Kin - Russian Sleep Experiment #mindblowing
4 - Luf-Kin - Education Loan #truth
Happy reading!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Hitam itu menawan - aku membesar dengan kata-kata ini menjadi mainan kata orang-orang sekeliling aku (dan aku juga) terutamanya apabila berjumpa dengan peminat tegar warna hitam.
Baju hitam, seluar hitam, brief hitam - menawan bukan? Kahkahkah.
Tapi kulit hitam?
Mempunyai kulit hitam seolah-olah menjadi satu kesalahan. Macam Keling katanya. Eleh, macam diri sendiri hensem/cantik sangat. Dan apakah kesalahan kaum itu yang memang kejadiannya begitu?
"Jadi bodoh tak apa, tapi Khalid tu dah lah hitam, bodoh pulak tu!," - seseorang, 2012.
Memang pecah gelak juga dengar statement macam tu, tapi seorang teman aku pernah berkata, Malaysia negara yang racist dan menurut pandangan aku, ada benarnya walaupun sifat perkauman itu tak seteruk mana (or not too visible).
Entah. Aku cukup tak gemar manusia yang suka memandang - dan menilai dari rupa, apatah lagi menilai dari warna kulit. Muka x leh blah. Kadang-kadang, ya, benda ni boleh jadi topik humor. Dan selalu juga, ketika bersama teman-teman rapat, itu juga yang jadi bahan gelak-tawa. Tapi itu antara teman - yang mana mereka sedia maklum, masing-masing hanya bergurau dan di kala susah, masing-masing akan hulur tangan.
Tapi apabila dengan sekilas pandang sudah nampak isi hati orang (kononnya) aku rasa cukup jaki. Bukan mereka pinta lahir sebegitu. Bukan ada borang yang patut roh isi sebelum ditiupkan dalam jasad. Mahu agama apa, mahu bangsa apa, kulit jenis bagaimana.
Mungkin aku yang bermimpi - mahu semua orang memahami (atau sekurang-kurangnya cuba untuk faham).
Cukup mudah menilai, namun harus diingat, tidak semua yang indah pada rupa indah sifatnya, dan bukan yang buruk pada rupa, mulia peribadinya.
Dan harus juga tahu, kecantikan fizikal, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan boleh memberikan 'halo effect' yang membuatkan orang lebih mempercayai dan merasakan mereka lebih pandai dan berbakat.
Akhir sekali, harus lekatkan dalam otak, kita tidak sentiasa betul.
Baju hitam, seluar hitam, brief hitam - menawan bukan? Kahkahkah.
Tapi kulit hitam?
![]() |
Gambar2 credit ke Google |
"Jadi bodoh tak apa, tapi Khalid tu dah lah hitam, bodoh pulak tu!," - seseorang, 2012.
Memang pecah gelak juga dengar statement macam tu, tapi seorang teman aku pernah berkata, Malaysia negara yang racist dan menurut pandangan aku, ada benarnya walaupun sifat perkauman itu tak seteruk mana (or not too visible).
Entah. Aku cukup tak gemar manusia yang suka memandang - dan menilai dari rupa, apatah lagi menilai dari warna kulit. Muka x leh blah. Kadang-kadang, ya, benda ni boleh jadi topik humor. Dan selalu juga, ketika bersama teman-teman rapat, itu juga yang jadi bahan gelak-tawa. Tapi itu antara teman - yang mana mereka sedia maklum, masing-masing hanya bergurau dan di kala susah, masing-masing akan hulur tangan.
Tapi apabila dengan sekilas pandang sudah nampak isi hati orang (kononnya) aku rasa cukup jaki. Bukan mereka pinta lahir sebegitu. Bukan ada borang yang patut roh isi sebelum ditiupkan dalam jasad. Mahu agama apa, mahu bangsa apa, kulit jenis bagaimana.
Mungkin aku yang bermimpi - mahu semua orang memahami (atau sekurang-kurangnya cuba untuk faham).
Cukup mudah menilai, namun harus diingat, tidak semua yang indah pada rupa indah sifatnya, dan bukan yang buruk pada rupa, mulia peribadinya.
Dan harus juga tahu, kecantikan fizikal, baik lelaki mahupun perempuan boleh memberikan 'halo effect' yang membuatkan orang lebih mempercayai dan merasakan mereka lebih pandai dan berbakat.
Akhir sekali, harus lekatkan dalam otak, kita tidak sentiasa betul.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Review Restoran : End Lot Bistro
Aku bukan dalam golongan manusia yang selalu berjalan-jalan dan mencuba makanan di merata tempat, tapi saja nak buat review bila jumpa kedai makan yang best.
Last time aku pergi, makanan yang aku menjamah Nasi Putih, Sup Campur dan juga Udang Masak Pedas. Seperti sebelumnya (aku pernah pergi sini beberapa kali), hidangan yang menjadi santapan aku cukup membuka selera. Makanannya sedap! Cis, lapar pulak cakap pasal makanan.
Untuk harga, aku rasa harga ni boleh kira standard la. Not too cheap, but not too expensive. Standard KL price.
Bagi yang berminat, boleh la singgah ke sini :
End Lot Bistro,
Lot 79-84, Pusat Penjaja,
Jalan Sembilang, Taman Tenaga,
Bandar Tun Razak
56000 Kuala Lumpur
Dalam pencarian gambar kedai makan ni di Google, terjumpa satu artikel surat khabar pasal End Lot Bistro ni. Siapa nak baca, boleh klik di sini.
Notaantaraaksara : Harapnya kalau y'all pergi, seronok makan macam aku makan itu hari. Hehe.
Hunger Games Trilogy
Sempena ulang tahun kelahiran yang lepas, Mr.Fiance hadiahkan aku set Hunger Games Trilogy dan satu set buku yang tajuknya malas nak tulis kat sini sebab fokus utama entri adalah Hunger Games Trilogy ni. Hehehe.
Seronok betul dapat buku - tapi err - sampai sekarang tak baca-baca lagi sebab sibuk. Nak bawa ke sana ke mari takut rosak pulak buku tu. Ish.
*Sebenarnya tak adalah sibuk mana, tapi tiap kali ada masa sibuk nak berdating/melepak dengan kawan-kawan rapat, so...
Mr Fiance guna taktik biasa balut hadiah - masukkan dalam kotak, balut kotak. Nasib baik tak guna taktik nak nampak hadiah besar - balut dalam kotak dalam kotak dalam kotak amboi penatnya nak buka.
Confession : Taktik ni aku pun selalu guna, senang nak balut. =)
Celah buku dia selit nota :
Happy 24th Birthday!!
Were you expecting a shoes? Hihihihihi
(Perasan tak ada kesilapan tatabahasa di sini? Kehkehkeh)
**Aku suka bahan dia salah grammar sebab dia #GrammarNazi
These 7 books are part of my valuable collections that are now
your 24th birthday gifts.
Have fun reading it.
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki,
dan sentiasa gembira dan sihat selalu.
I love you
and may our love last forever
P/S : Tulisan buruk, kbai!
Harap-harap ada masa untuk habiskan baca buku-buku ni dalam masa terdekat. =)
Anyway, Mr Fiance,
Terima kasih banyak-banyak ya?
Ulang tahun kelahiran awak yang bakal tiba 2 bulan lagi, entah apa saya nak bagi kat awak ye?
Bagi kasih sayang je aci tak?
Thanks a lot for everything my dear!
*senyum sampai ke telinga.
Notaantaraaksara : Sebenarnya rindu kat awak.
Monday, 1 October 2012
My Life Sucks. Sobs.
I have always believe that there are reasons behind everything that happens in daily life - no matter how crushing it can be.
When I meet people/read stuffs that people write - saying how suck their life are, I can't stop but to think, is there NOTHING at all about themselves that they can treasure?
I have been there. I mean, I once felt that way. My life sucks. I want to die. But seriously, does death ends the trouble?
I owe to a former classmate of mine. I know she dislikes me, which made me dislike her too because I know she talked a lot about me behind my back. One day, I walked with her to the toilet (you know women always have that hatred-but-friends relationship, right?) along with another friend of us. And then she said, "Tak ada orang sayang aku. Zahir (her bf that time) je sayang aku," which really made me think. She was brought up with silver spoon in her mouth, she basically has no money-related problem, her grades were good - what could possibbly be wrong in her life?
From that incident, I somehow realized that everyone - no matter how perfect their life may seem, it is not perfect at all. We just don't look close enough to see the depth of their pain.
I also owe a lot to another girl - she was my classmate also.
One day, I cried because my parents got into a fight. She just listened and tried to comfort me. She told me her stories about her parents afterwards. Damn, I was very shocked because in comparison, me parents are a lot better in her parents. (I mean, the extend of her parents' fight were higher than mine and if she didn't tell me the story herself - with all that emotions in her - I won't have believed her)
It got me thinking - these two events.
Your life may sucks, but their are people whose life are worse.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle - Plato
I understand that everyone will face this situation in some period of their life. It is okay, you are just being human. However, I really cannot stand people who think that their life sucks ALL THE TIME and COMPLAIN about it every two seconds - what's wrong with you?
If you think you life sucks, how do you rate her life?
Or this young lady's life?
If you think you life is worse than them, there must be something wrong with you.
There must be.
Please seek medical attention if so.
Notaantaraaksara : My two cents : People who complain all the time - sometimes they're just blind, they can't find gratitude any where in this world. What a pity.
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